Claims Preparation and Support
The Sutor Group has over 25 years experience in the preparation of requests for equitable adjustment proposals relating to potential or actual contract disputes, ranging in size from a few hundred thousand to over fifty million, including public works projects, as well as, private development projects. The Sutor Group’s claims expertise reflects substantial experience in the following areas:
- Assistance with overall management, preparation, presentation and negotiation of construction claims and major change orders
- Assistance in establishing project level management routines for change management, including tracking and documentation, work scope control, contractual notices and cost capturing techniques
- Evaluation of labor and equipment inefficiency costs (overtime acceleration, crowding, site access problems, crew disruption, weather impacts, etc.)
- Assistance in evaluation of delay costs for field office overhead, home office overhead, equipment standby
- Assistance in determining the reasonableness of claimed overrun items
- Substantial experience with Federal Acquisition Regulation requirements. CAS covered contracts, standard FAR clauses, Part 31 costing, cost “allowability” and “allocability” issues
- Dealing with industry standard contract clause requirements. Changes clause, Work Suspension, Force Account pricing, Differing Site Conditions (Type I and II), Disputes Clauses (1978 Disputes Act, administrative resolution procedures), Claim Certification requirements
- Documenting and proving overhead rates for field office overhead, home office overhead, JV overhead allocations, in conformance with FAR or other industry contractual standards
- Determination and evaluation of ownership equipment rates and appropriate utilization standards in conformance with FAR Part 31, the Corps of Engineers Regional Equipment Cost and Ownership Guides, the DataQuest Blue Book factors and the Cost Reference Guides
- Assistance with preparation, audit management and cost negotiations relating to DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) audits and Familiarity with DCAA audit standards.