Recent Sutor Group Projects

Utility Projects

Des Moines Distribution System

The Sutor Group was engaged to quantify damages incurred by the contractor as a result of specific causes relating to differing site conditions, defective specifications, and other minor issues. The Sutor Group was also engaged to determine the business devastation impact that the claim had on the financial position of Ceccanti. Our analysis indicated a project claim totaling $270,900 and a business devastation claim totaling $82,200. more >

Church Lake Interceptor, Schedule C

The Sutor Group was engaged by Clevco's surety, Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, to prepare a quantification of damages with respect to various changes that occurred on the project. The total impact based on our analysis was $550,300.more >

Rillito River Bank Protection

The Sutor Group was engaged by Pima County to evaluate pricing for removal of approximately 12,300 cy of asbestos containing earthen materials pursuant to contract provisions and Federal Acquisition Regulations imposed by Corps of Engineers (funding service). more >

Burnt Bridge Creek Diversion Pump Station

The Sutor Group was engaged by Olympic Western Company to prepare a request for equitable adjustment. Our request quantification totaled $627,261.more >

Park Avenue North Improvements

The Sutor Group was engaged by Scoccolo Construction, Inc. to review and evaluate the quantification of damages in the amount of $322,896 submitted to Scoccolo Construction, Inc. Scoccolo was the prime contractor on the project. The claim damages were presented to Scoccolo by Curb One, Inc. Curb One was a subcontractor on the project. The Sutor Group was also engaged to present the results of our findings as expert testimony in an arbitration hearing. more >

Kittitas County Gas Line

The Sutor Group was engaged by Mid Mountain Contractors to assist in the resolution of a dispute related to the Kittitas County Gas Line project. The total amount of the claim as submitted to Puget Sound Energy was $5,620,712.more >